Sharada Diagnostic Center

Inline Notice Block

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You can use this block to create notifications or special messages on the page. It helps to highlight some information or draw interest to specific content. The block also comes with settings for font size, notice color, text color and whether or not to make the block dismissible.

The dismissible notice works by using localStorage. Once you close the notice on the front end of the site, it won’t show again unless you clear out your localStorage. Please note that if you close the notice on the front end, you will still see the block in your editor until you remove it.

Default Style


A BRAF mutation can be inherited from your parents or acquired later in life. Mutations that happen later in life are usually caused by the environment or from a mistake that happens in your body during cell division. Inherited BRAF mutations are very rare, but they can cause serious health problems.

Custom Color & Font Size


A BRAF mutation can be inherited from your parents or acquired later in life. Mutations that happen later in life are usually caused by the environment or from a mistake that happens in your body during cell division. Inherited BRAF mutations are very rare, but they can cause serious health problems.

Dissmissible Notice

A BRAF mutation can be inherited from your parents or acquired later in life. Mutations that happen later in life are usually caused by the environment or from a mistake that happens in your body during cell division. Inherited BRAF mutations are very rare, but they can cause serious health problems.

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